If you're looking for a way to raise money for a school, youth group, or other type of nonprofit organization be sure to find out what's involved in book marketing fundraisers and what options are available.
Book Fair Fundraisers
Book fairs are an excellent way for schools to raise money. The Reading Warehouse, for example, offers a book fundraising program for schools that want to earn money while making affordable reading materials available to students and their families as well as to faculty and staff members. This company's program is a bargain book fair, with educational books from major publishers being offered for sale at significant discounts off retail pricing. Titles include closeouts and remnants as well as new releases. Suggested selling prices for most books is five dollars or less, and sponsoring organizations are able to earn between 40 and 60 percent profit.
A Reading Warehouse book fair can be held at any time. To get started, simply contact the company by calling 866-391-READ or via email at bookfairs (at) thereadingwarehouse.com. Based on details about the size of your school, a company representative will help you select the right size event. You can expect to receive inventory and materials for the book fair with seven to ten days of the time your order is placed. A variety of promotional materials that can be used to advertise the event can be downloaded from the company's website. You don't have to pay for the books up front, making this a great fundraising solution for schools with limited funds. When your book fair is over, simply send in payment along for the items that were sold along with the unsold inventory.
Cookbook Fundraisers
Many churches, professional associations, and civic groups enjoy success with cook book marketing fundraisers. This type of fundraiser provides a great way for members to contribute their favorite recipes to a cookbook that is representative of the organization while raising money. Conducting this type of fundraiser involves collecting and testing recipes, compiling them into a book, and marketing the finished product to supporters and other potential customers.
Before tackling this type of fundraiser, be sure to consider the time, effort, and costs necessary to produce a quality cookbook that is likely to be a profitable fundraiser. It may be in your best interest to work with a company that has expertise in publishing and marketing fundraising cookbooks. Fundcraft, for example, has been helping nonprofit organizations produce and market cookbooks for decades. When you work with Fundcraft, you won't have to deal with layout, design, or printing issues. The company can handle everything beyond selecting recipes for inclusion and managing the local sales process. The finish product will be a professional looking, quality cookbook that is attractive and appealing to buyers.
Coupon Book Fundraiser
Another way for organizations to raise money by marketing books is to sell coupon books that have been put together especially for fundraisers. This type of fundraiser involves selling coupon books that feature certificates for discounts from local restaurants and other merchants, such as automotive service centers, entertainment venues, and more. Several fundraising companies offer these types of coupon books, including City Saver Coupon Books from Southwestern Fundraising and the Entertainment Book.
You won't have to contact merchants to ask them to advertise in the books; that task is handled by the professional fundraising company that puts together the books. Instead, you'll simply market the finished products to supporters who want to help your group while also benefitting from discount offers that can help them save money on dining out and other purchases. Your organization will keep a portion of the proceeds from each book sold.
Raise Money with Book Marketing Fundraisers
Book marketing fundraisers are very popular with all types of nonprofit organizations. Whether you choose to host a book fair, market your own cookbook, or sell coupon books, you just might find that book marketing can be a perfect way to earn cash to fund your group's activities and projects.