FedEx Charitable Giving

Box filled with money

Did you know that FedEx is actively involved with charitable giving? Not only is FedEx known as one of the largest shipping companies, it is also known as a corporation that is making a difference in communities around the world.

FedEx Charitable Giving Program

FedEx supports the communities around the world that the organization serves by utilizing corporate resources to make a difference. Financial donations, in-kind shipping services and volunteering make for a balanced mix of charitable giving resources available from FedEx's corporate giving program.

Charitable Areas of Focus

FedEx's charitable giving focuses on three core areas:

  • Emergency and Disaster Relief: Organizations that assist people during emergencies or natural disasters are eligible to apply for this funding. Preference is given to entities that demonstrate immediate and efficient relief efforts as well as those that take part in education initiatives that focus on preparing for a disaster.
  • Child Pedestrian Safety: Organizations that focus on increasing awareness of child pedestrian safety quality for this area of funding. The focus is on organizations that are interested in educating others on pedestrian safety, changing behaviors that result in unsafe children's pedestrian safety and improving environmental conditions that help keep children safe as pedestrians.
  • Environmental Sustainability: FedEx makes charitable and volunteer efforts that focus on sustaining the environment a priority. The focus is on creating solutions for sustainable transportation as well as on preserving ecosystems.

Charitable Contribution Guidelines

FedEx accepts charitable contribution requests year-round. Submitted requests are processed within six weeks of their receipt. Requests must be made in writing; any request made over the phone or via email will not be accepted. Some of the guidelines for charitable requests include:

  • Organizations must be registered as a 501(c)3 and in good standing.
  • An organization is only eligible for a one-time contribution.
  • Preference is given to specific programs over capital campaigns or special events.
  • Special interest is given to those organizations that request funding that is five percent or less of their total project budget and that seek other sources to match funding amounts.
  • Organizations that apply should demonstrate that they are competent to manage a program with low administrative expenses and that they do not discriminate with regards to who the program will benefit.

Making A Funding Request

Organizations that are based in the United States must makes requests through FedEx's web site. To begin the process, click on the FedEx Charitable Contribution Application box found on the Charitable Guidelines page. You will then be prompted to enter the following information:

  • IRS Tax Exemption Number
  • Brief description of your organization
  • Proposed use of funding from FedEx
  • Reason you are seeking assistance
  • What area and population will be served
  • Anticipated revenue sources and expenses
  • How success of the project will be measured
  • Project timeline

For organizations based from outside the United States, requests should include the same information as mentioned above be made in writing and sent to the following address:

FedEx Social Responsibility, Attn: Non-U.S. Grants
3610 Hacks Cross Road, Building A
Memphis, TN 38125

Funding Exclusions

FedEx contributions are reviewed on an organization's individual merit. In general, FedEx excludes funding for the following:

  • Religious groups
  • Scholarships
  • Travel or tour groups
  • Political organizations
  • Public or private schools
  • Memorials
  • Endowments
  • Dues for membership
  • Athletic groups
  • Charity-supported sporting events

FedEx's Corporate Neighbor Teams

In addition to providing monetary funding, FedEx also can provide volunteer assistance. FedEx's Corporate Neighbor Teams work with nonprofits who are seeking volunteer assistance. The team can serve the following areas:

  • Arts
  • Children and youth
  • United Way
  • Adopt-A-School
  • Junior Achievement
  • Hearing-impaired
  • Civic affairs

Nonprofits who are interested in a Corporate Neighbor Team can submit a written request. The following information should be included in the request:

  • Brief description of your organization
  • Organization's mailing address and phone number
  • What population will be served
  • A description of the project
  • What impact is expected
  • Timetable for the project
  • Other sources of funding
  • How many volunteers are being requested
  • A list of volunteer tasks and what skills are needed
  • How effectiveness will be measured

Volunteer requests can be sent to FedEx Social Responsibility, Attention: Volunteer Requests, 3610 Hacks Cross Road, Building A, Memphis, TN 38125.

Need Additional Information?

To contact FedEx with any questions or concerns about their charitable giving program or volunteer program, you can send an email to the Community Relations department at

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FedEx Charitable Giving