Charity Slideshows

Browse Articles in Charity Slideshows

Volunteers serving food in soup kitchen

When you're looking for helpful, visually oriented information that provides unique insights on topics relevant to charitable organizations, this is the perfect resource. Whether you need factual information on a specific subject or you're in search of inspiration for an upcoming fundraiser, the helpful slideshows provided here are packed with information you can use!

Ideas for Fundraisers

Looking for creative ideas to help raise money? No matter what kind of charitable organization you are working with, you can get inspiration for conducting research and learning what other groups have done successfully.

Grant Writing

Would your organization benefit from grant funding? Securing this type of funding starts with conducting research to find out what's available, then applying for various opportunities for which your group may be a good fit.


If you're looking for ways to boost volunteerism with your nonprofit organization, these resources can help. You'll need to know how to attract, oversee and show appreciation to people who freely do work for your organization without expectation of compensation.

Nonprofit Organizations

Enhance your knowledge of the nonprofit sector by learning key information about other charitable organizations.

  • Get to know the history of Habitat for Humanity.
  • Find out about various events held by the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
  • Get information about various charitable organizations devoted to raising money for cancer research.
  • Discover how the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA) attracts volunteers to work with the group.

Visual Inspiration

When you're looking for expert information relevant to charitable organizations in an easy-to-digest fashion, let this category be your go-to resource. Information-packed slideshows provide a great way to get the information you need in a fun and interesting format.

Charity Slideshows