Hold a Raffle
Have a Rummage Sale
Sell Doughnuts
Pizza Fundraiser
Soft Drink Sale
Host a Classic Car Show
Sell Carry Out Meals
Market Handmade Wreaths
Hold a Car Wash
Plan a Plant Sale
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Looking for some interesting small church fundraiser ideas? Holding a raffle can be a great way to raise money. You can hold "split the pot" raffles, which involve selling tickets and splitting the total amount of money collected with the winner. These work well during meetings and special events. You can also raffle off a gift basket or other attractive item, ideally one that has been donated to your church.
Everyone has items cluttering their closets and cabinets that they'd like to get rid of. Why not set a date for a rummage sale and ask all your church members to donate unwanted books clothing, household items, toys, and more? Advertise the event to the public and you'll be on your way to turning trash into cash!
Doughnuts are a popular fundraiser for many types of groups. If there is a Krispy Kreme, Dunkin' Doughnuts, or other doughnut shop in your area, call and ask about the company's fundraising program. Most stores that specialize in doughnuts offer special fundraising rates on doughnuts by the dozen as well as on coupons for doughnuts.
Many pizza chains have fundraiser programs for nonprofit organizations. Some offer opportunities for groups to host a pizza night in the store with a portion of proceeds going to the charity. Others provide discount cards for nonprofit groups to sell, with the organization keeping part or all of the proceeds from card sales while the purchases get to enjoy deep discounts on future pizza purchases.
Many organizations find that selling cases of soft drinks is an excellent way to raise funds. Church members can take pre-orders from friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers, and others. Once the orders are gathered, the drinks can be purchased at wholesale pricing. Your church can make the drinks available for pick up at a certain date and time, or members can deliver the cases of drinks they were able to sell.
Classic car show events can be excellent small church fundraiser ideas, especially for congregations that have large parking lots or open fields where they show can be set up. Set a date and market the show through local classic car clubs. You'll be able to raise money from entry fees, vendor setup charges, and admissions fees.
Food fundraisers are very popular. Why not sell carry out meals following your church services periodically? Some churches sell carry out barbecue dinners that church members can take home and enjoy with their families for a leisurely Sunday dinner. Others sell sub sandwiches after each service on Super Bowl Sunday. Be creative with your fundraiser. You'll likely find that many members will be thrilled to have an excuse not to cook after attending church.
Do you have church members who are skilled with crafts? During the holidays, many people enjoy adorning their homes with handmade wreaths. Why not take orders during the fall and have wreaths ready for pickup the first Sunday after Thanksgiving each year. These items are likely to appeal to church members, as well as to others throughout your community.
Washing cars can be a fun way to raise money, especially for church youth groups or committees raising money for particular projects. Not only can holding a car wash help your church raise funds, it can also be an outstanding team building activity for those who participate in the manual labor part of the event.
Do you have several church members who have green thumbs? Why not focus their talents on growing plants that you can make available to the general public via a church plant sale? This is a small church fundraising idea that you can actually hold several times each year, offering seasonal plants that will appeal to local gardeners.